Materials for principals, mentors and the school community
In this section you can find materials for mentors, principals and the school community to welcome new international teachers at school. You can read our guide in English and German. As a mentor or as a principal, you can try out a series of practical materials, which shall enable reflection and exchange. You can find checklists for a smooth welcome and get guidance for intercultural school development. In addition, the material can be used for in-service teacher trainings on topics such as diversity and schools in the migration society.Disclaimer
The creation of these resources has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2020-1-DE01-KA203-005664. Neither the European Commission nor the project\'s national funding agency DAAD are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.Guides
[EN] PDF /
Welcoming international teachers at school - an ITTS guide for mentors, principals and the school community [DE] PDF / 2.74MB
Internationale Lehrkräfte in der Schule willkommen heißen - Eine Handreichung für Mentor_innen, Schulleitungen und das Kollegium
Welcoming international teachers at school - an ITTS guide for mentors, principals and the school community [DE] PDF / 2.74MB
Internationale Lehrkräfte in der Schule willkommen heißen - Eine Handreichung für Mentor_innen, Schulleitungen und das Kollegium
The reflection and working materials included in the guide can also be found as individual materials for download below.