ITTS project meets at sLOVEnia!
It was SLOVENIA this time around!
The ITTS project's partners got together at the University of Maribor to talk about a variety of topics including how to make it easier to integrate international teachers into our education systems.
Tools for teachers and a mentoring guide for principals, teachers, and mentors were among the many subjects discussed at the cooperation table.
In a spirit of warm cooperation, all partners evaluated and worked out the current circumstances and potential horizons for the professional integration of international teachers into the education systems of European Union countries.
And indeed, the final ITTS workshop-conference, which will highlight the project's key concepts and will feature a series of training workshops, is soon approaching and will be held at the University of the Aegean in Greece on 27th of May!
All ITTS partners were satisfied with how this transnational meeting was organized after it was first postponed due to covid-spread in 2021.
We might sum up by stating that ITTS Slovenian defeated Covid 1-0.
Maribor, on the other hand, was truly breathtaking. Colleagues from Slovenia led us around the city so we could get to know them and their culture better.
We still miss the fantastic flavor of regional wines... and sLOVEnia, too!
I'm hoping that this blog post will speak for all of the partners,
Vana Chiou, University of the Aegean, Greece
ITTS-project team in front of the faculty of fine arts, University of Maribor