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Holz, Oliver, Prof. Dr. phil., M. A. (1970); MA in Educational Sciences and Psychology; PhD in Educational Sciences; coordinator and organizer of European network(s); research with the emphasis on comparative educational science; employed at the KU Leuven, various publications on relevant educational subjects.

Current work and research interests

Holz is currently working at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Brussels campus. He is teaching different educational subjects as Didactics and Comparative Education. At the same time, he is coordinator of the internal educational professionalization for all staff members at the Faculty of Economics and Business.

He is also member of various European networks and coordinates the annual conference of International Perspectives in Education (IPiE).

Selected publications

Holz, O. & Geunis, L. 2020: From Homo'poly to Openup! Lessons learned on LGB in Education in Schools across Europe. In: Revija Za Elementarno Izobraževanje. Journal of elementary education, 13 (1), pp. 41-53.


De Witte, K., Iterbeke, K., & Holz, O. 2019: Teachers' and pupils' perspectives on homosexuality: A comparative analysis across European countries. In: International Sociology, 34 (4), pp. 471-519.


De Witte, K., Titl, V., Holz, O., & Smet, M. (Eds.) 2019: Financing Quality Education for All. The Funding Methods of Compulsory and Special Needs Education. Leuven: Leuven University Press.


Holz, O., Chiou, V., Shelton, F., & Oruc Ertürk, N. (Eds.) 2019: International Insights: Equality in Education. Münster: Waxmann.


Holz, O., & Geunis, L. 2019: Homo'poly. Helping Schools, Teachers and Pupils Build Awareness and Understanding of Homosexuality. In: Chiou, V., Shelton, F. & Oruc Ertürk, N. (Eds.): International Insights: Equality in Education. Münster: Waxmann, pp. 135-145.


De Witte, K., Holz, O., & Geunis, L. (Eds.) 2018: Somewhere over the rainbow. Münster: Waxmann.


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