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2007 Professor of art education, Faculty of Education, University of Maribor, Department for fine arts

2013 Ph.D. – Doctor of pedagogical science: Thesis: The Development of the Organizational Model of Student Teaching in the First and Second Trimester of Primary School in Art Education, Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor

2017 Visiting lecturer at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education

Since 2020 – Associate Professor for special didactics in the field of visual art


Current work and research interests

University teacher - Associate professor for Art Education, (Original habilitation title in Slovenia: Special didactics – the field of visual art), Department for fine arts, University of Maribor, Faculty of Education from 2008.

  • Lectures and other pedagogical activities at 1st, 2nd and 3rd bologna degrees,

  • Development of new art educational curriculums at university and lower levels,

  • Organizing, planning and implementation of pedagogical experiences for students of art education, elementary and preschool education,

  • Scientific and professional activities (publishing articles, monographies, manuals, textbooks);

  • Mentor by bachelor and master diploma works.

  • Coordinator of five national projects (students project, where we developed new strategies for people with visual disabilities in visual art)

  • Technical editor – Journal of Elementary Education

Mostly looking forward to working in ITTS, because…

Developing new strategies in the context of interculturalism, meeting new people, new cultures, new teacher strategies and implementing results into practice in different countries.

Selected publications

Duh, M. & Herzog, J. 2016: Monitoring the level of art appreciation of fourth-grade primary school students. In: Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje: [CJE], 18 (sp. ed. 2), pp. 35-50. (Konferencija Učiteljskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 2015, 13.-15. 4. 2015., Opatija, Croatia. [Tiskana izd.])

Duh, M., Herzog, J. & Švec, A. 2016: The practical aspect of developing art appreciation. In: Innovative issues and approaches in social sciences, 9 (3), pp. 84-107.

Herzog, J. & Duh, M. 2013: Examples of applying contemporary art practices in the visual arts curriculum in grammar schools. In: Prskalo, I. (Ed.): EMEE 2012 - Education in the modern European environment: special edition = EMEE 2012 - Odgoj i obrazovanje u suvremenom europskom kontekstu: specijalno izdanje, 15 (1), pp. 55-69. (Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje; Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of teacher education: = Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Učiteljski fakultet.)

Herzog, J. & Duh, M. 2011: Artistic and creative achievements of primary school students with regard to gender and stratum = Likovno-ustvarjalni dosežki učencev v osnovni šoli z vidika spola in stratuma = Likovno kreativna postignuća učenika osnovne škole sa aspekta spola i stratuma. In: Metodički obzori : časopis za odgojno-obrazovnu teoriju i praksu, 6 (1), pp. 37-48.

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