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Grzegorz Piekarski, AP Slupsk, Poland

I got my MA degree in Resocialization Pedagogy (2005) and my MA in Social Work and Educational Pedagogy (2006) at Pomeranian University, Slupsk, Poland. I got my PhD in Pedagogy in 2013 at University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland and later in 2016, I graduated from the postgraduate courses Educational Management at University of Economy in Bydgoszcz, Poland.

Current work and research interests

In my everyday practice at AP Slupsk I specialized in the field of Social Pedagogy, Equality Education and Educational Policy. My latest publications are devoted to forgotten victims (LGBT persons) of World War II. Among my strong sides there is experience in managing a team of employees, openness to new experiences and organizational skills. Nowadays, I have 15 years of experience in Academia, from them six years in managerial positions as Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Education and as Director of the Institute of Pedagogy. I have also been engaged in the process of organizing international scientific conferences and popular scientific events for children and adults. One of the conferences I am particularly proud of is “Interdisciplinary National Conference on Science and Methodology: Equality Education: Challenges - Needs – Opportunities”. This Conference became well known and received positive feedback from professionals from all over the country. So, I have an experience and I am able to take on responsibilities on the development and conducting of assignments from and in collaborations within the public and private sector, and the business world. At the university I teach the following classes: Equality Education (Master's degree) and Introduction to Pedagogy (Bachelor's degree).

Mostly looking forward to working in ITTS, because…

it is an interesting international project which will allow me to get new knowledge, to compare theoretical ideas and to find new practical solutions used in Equality Education.

Selected publications

Piekarski, G. 2019: The (un)known Biograph of Pink Triangles. An Appeal to Commemorate the Stories of Victims of Concenctration Camps. In: Chiou, V., Holz, O., Oruc Ertürk, N. & Shelton, F. (Eds.): International Insights Equality in Education. Münster: Waxmann.

Piekarski, G. & Sałapata, M. (Ed.) 2018: Horizons and perspectives of equality education (Horyzonty i perspektywy edukacji równościowej). Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Katedra,.

Piekarski, G. 2015: Education to Social Commitment as Urgent Task of Modern Teacher. In: Fleischmann, O., Seebauer, R., Zoglowek, H. & Aleksandrovich, M. (Ed.): The Teaching Profession. New Challenges - New Identities. Zürich: LIT.

Piekarski, G. 2015: Postcolonial codes of Polish culture and the school fighting for equality. In: Błasińska, K., Pasikowski, S., Piekarski, G. & Ratkowska-Pasikowska, J. (Eds.): Social inequalities. For the sake of opening horizons of education. Gdynia: Publisher Region.

Piekarski, G. 2014: The Social situation of LGBT People in Polish schools and the educational system. In: Jarecka-Żyluk, M. & Holz, O. (Ed.): Gender and Education from Different Angles. Zürch/Berlin: LIT.

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