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2000 PhD, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, UK

1990 Ptychion (BA) in Political Science and International Relations (4 year course), Department of Political Science and International Studies, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences

Current work and research interests

Electra Petracou is tenured Assistant Professor in Political Geography, Department of Geography of the University of the Aegean. Her teaching experience, research work and interests focus on movements of populations, asylum, refugee and migration issues, global, European and national policies on borders and migration, decision making on social, political and international issues. She is co-director of the Laboratory of Movements on Borders in the Department of Geography of the University of the Aegean.

Mostly looking forward to working in ITTS, because…

It is a very interesting subject from the academic and applied point of view and the prospect of interacting with the members of this team.

Selected publications

Petracou, E., Domazakis, G., Papayiannis, G. & Yannacopoulos, A. 2018: Towards a Common European Space for Asylum. In: Sustainability, 10 (9).

Petracou, E., Xepapadeas, A. & Yannacopoulos, A. 2017: Climate Change and environmentally induced migration across regions: Cooperative and non-cooperative solutions. In: Homo Oeconomicus, 34 (2–3), pp. 137–164.

Chorianopoulos, I., Tsetsiou, I., & Petracou, E. 2014: Revisiting the EU’s social exclusion discourse: Residential segregation, Greek Roma and the participatory governance lock. In. Geoforum, 55, pp. 100-109.

Petracou, E. & Iosifides, T. 2012: Geographical and Political for Borders and Migration. In: Trubeta, S. (Ed.): Asylum and Migration Issue. Border Crossings and Studies. Athens: Papazisis. (in Greek)

Parsanoglou, D. & Petracou, E. 2010: Youth of immigrant descent & the city. Spatial exclusion & forms of resistance. In: Giannakopoulos, K. & Giannitsiotis, G. (Eds.): Contested Spaces in the City. Special Perspectives on Culture. Athens: Alexandria. (in Greek)

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